Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tom's Politically Challenged Cat

Somebody tweeted yesterday about one of the Republican candidates and their ability to win the election from President Obama.
I made a silly comment about my cat could beat Obama but I am not going to vote for him.
Thus began a flood of comments, back from all over concerning my jest.
I have a few points to bring up about this.  I don't feel those who are using social media outlets to get noticed by the public and to gain a following to further our interests should take hardnosed stances and potentially turn off entire segments of the population by our personal beliefs.  I also don't want and will not be a wishy washy politician and agree with everything.  It is just not in my nature.  I am not a politician.
As far as the cat, I had to give my cat up earlier this year when we found out my youngest son was allergic to him.  Cat gone, kid doing better.  It broke my heart to some degree.  Neo (named by our newest follower of this blog, My Daughter (Kristy Wilson), after the Character from the movie "The Matrix."  Kristy still is owned by my cats sidekick Trinty, who is a jet black beautiful animal with the usual bad disposition most great cats have.  So currently I don't actually own a cat.
For purposes of upcoming Tweets and Google posts where I will be continuing the moronic, idiot and dumb antics of my politically challenged cat, I am asking my followers of this Blog and anybody else who happens by to leave name suggestions for this poor misguided mythical beast.
This hopefully will fare better than the International Contest I am running between France and Germany!
Contest Update
Amazon FR  ZERO
Amazon DE  ZERO
Post your suggestions as comments and sometime next week we will choose the best name.
It dawned on me that the cat can be a good platform to express idiotic public responses to different movements without actually pissing anybody off.  So far the results are funny, sarcastic and right up my alley.
I do want to throw out that Six Letter Press, a Blog will be featuring a guest blog post written by yours truly on December 10, 2011.  Please mark your calendar to pop in there and check it out on the tenth.  I will include a link to the site for those interested to pull them up, check them out, save to your favorites or even possibly follow the fine writing and posts of this blog.
Possibly sometime in the future Miss Trista from that site may contribute a guest blog post to this site.  I would also invite any of my followers who would be interested in doing a guest blog post to this site to E-mail me at  I know for a fact several of you are extremely talented writers!  Subject matter will be wide open, would prefer no porn or erotic literary posts, no decidedly bias or racial posts, or anything that may be construed as hateful.  I prefer upbeat, encouraging, funny, with some sort of educational benefit.
Unless we are talking about mythical mindless cats and their political agendas!  Then we will cut loose!


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